Tell us what you think: What areas do we need to focus on to ensure the success of every student?

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students, and Staff,


Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) has been strategically planning division-wide priorities to help all students grow and thrive. A key component of this initiative is feedback from you. We are pleased to invite you to participate in a “Thought Exchange” – an online platform where you can confidentially share your thoughts to help us understand what you feel we are doing well and/or offer input on areas of improvement in order to have the largest positive impact on student success.

Thought Exchange allows for broad community input where individuals can submit ideas, and then rate ideas submitted by others.

How to participate:

  • Access the Thought Exchange at this link, or by scanning the QR Code below:

  • To begin sharing your thoughts, simply click or tap the “Participate” button, and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts shared by others.

  • Your participation is confidential and no one will know who has shared or rated which thoughts.

  • We invite you to return often to the Thought Exchange to rate new ideas until it closes on Tuesday, February 16 at 4:00 p.m.

Your input will help ensure that PWPSD’s programs, services, and values will result in the best possible experience and outcomes to support student and staff success. 

As students, teachers, parents, staff, and education partners, your voice is important to us!


Bob Stewart, Superintendent
Peace Wapiti Public School Division

Thought Exchange Poster with QR code